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Indicate what currently applies to you

question 1 of 17

The results of this stress test give you an idea of what factors help protect you from stress and what factors can cause you stress. This list is certainly not exhaustive.

There are other factors in your life that give you energy and make you less sensitive to stress. However, some factors will drain your energy instead and cause you to feel stressed at work. It is important to maintain a balance between them or you risk getting burned out.

How do you know whether your energy level is out of balance?

When your energy level is out of balance, you experience certain symptoms: frustration, anxiety, tearfulness, less motivation, reduced concentration, forgetfulness, etc. Physical issues such as sleeping badly, headaches, gastrointestinal issues or tiredness may also be major symptoms.

Is your energy level
in balance?

Here are some tips to help you stay balanced:

  1. Make a list of the things that give you energy. What is going well? What are you good at? What do people praise you for? 
  • At work (e.g. contacts with colleagues, job content, etc.)
  • At home (e.g. relationships, children, pets, etc.)
  • Free time (e.g. sport, hobbies, taking a bath, meeting up with friends, volunteering, etc.)
  • Lifestyle (healthy diet, daily exercise, etc.)
  • Personality (self-confidence, assertiveness, etc.)
  1. Find ways of focusing more on these protective factors that give you energy. Answer the following questions to make a specific action plan

    How can you systematically incorporate these energy boosters into your life? 
    What do you need for this? 
    Who can help you with this

Is your energy level out of balance?

Here are some tips to help you restore the balance and prevent a burnout:

  1. If you feel that the balance is in danger of turning into stress, try to identify the cause:
  • Problems in the workplace (e.g. conflict, heavy workload, monotonous work, little recognition, etc.)
  • Problems in your home situation (e.g. rarely at home, lack of time to relax, isolation, looking after children, etc.)
  • Personal characteristics (e.g. insecureness , difficult to say no , etc.) 
  1. When you know where the cause lies, it is easier to find a solution to reduce the energy drain. Answer the following questions to formulate a specific action plan.

    What exactly do you want to achieve? How will you do this? 
    When? With whom? What do you need? 
    What's stopping you? What can help you?

Making an action plan is not always easy. Talking about things is often part of the solution. Talk to your partner, friends, colleagues, manager, confidential counsellor or a professional coach about what is causing you stress. Talking about it, you will find some relief, and you will often gain new insights to help you find a solution. 

Do not ignore the signals of stress. Make an action plan, get some exercise, make healthy choices and don't be too hard on yourself.